Hang Out Friday and Saturday

Don’t know yet what you’ll be doing Friday afternoon (before the Friday evening get-together at The Pinemoor) or Saturday before the big reunion event?

Not to worry . . . we’ve reserved a hospitality suite at the Holiday Inn Arlington that will be open for your eating and chatting pleasure from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, as well as 10:00 am Saturday morning and into the afternoon.

We’ll provide snacks and sandwiches — even a charcuterie board! It’s the perfect place to stop by and sit a spell, especially if you’re planning to attend Charlie Clark’s fascinating presentation on Arlington history at 1 p.m. Saturday.

We’ll see you there!

Reunion Tickets On Sale Soon!

Stayed tuned! Reunion Ticket sales will start this week.

The Reunion weekend is Friday October 7 and Saturday October 8.

Friday night is a free “meet and greet” at the Pinemoor restaurant. (No ticket required to attend, but you’ll pay your own way for drinks and whatever food you order.) Please RSVP for Friday when you order tickets for the Saturday event – we’d like to know who is coming.

Saturday night will be at Marymount University’s new building in Ballston from 6 pm to 9 pm.

We have secured a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn across the street and more information and details on how to reserve a room will be posted here and on Facebook once we open ticket sales.

TicketSpice is confirming all our data and our event page right now. As soon as we get confirmation from them we will post a link to buy your ticket!