Homage to The Blue Goose

If you’ve been away from Arlington since our 40th reunion in 2011, you’ll no doubt notice a big change when you arrive for our 50th next week. Marymount University’s “Blue Goose” building — the “Blue” comes from its distinctive blue tiles — has been replaced by a shiny (and sustainable) building called Ballston Center.

The Blue Goose was built by M.T. Broyhill & Sons (remember them?) in 1963. According to InsideNova.com, “The origins of the name ‘Blue Goose’ are shrouded in the mists of history. But Jeanne Broyhill, whose father and uncle were responsible for construction of the building and much else in Northern Virginia during the era, says she always remembers it by that nickname. (A nearby building, now long gone, was known as the Green Hornet, Broyhill said.)”

Ballston Center opened in 2017. But the memory of the Blue Goose lingers on. The courtyard to the right of the building contains four two-sided historical markers partly constructed with the Blue Goose’s iconic blue panels.

Read an entertaining article about the history of the Blue Goose.

Where is the Party?

We heard you about the reunion venue! You want a place that’s cool but not too expensive, where you can mix and mingle and hear each other talk. We’ve got you covered. We’ll get together Saturday evening, Oct. 6, at Marymount University’s new Ballston Center.

Marymount describes the building as “open concept with spectacular floor-to-ceiling views and streaming natural light.” It’s won awards for design and environmental excellence. It will be an awesome spot to celebrate our 50th/51st! Questions? Call Mary Keeney at 443-584-6365. To buy your reunion ticket(s), along with drink and parking tickets, click here.

Reunion Tickets On Sale Soon!

Stayed tuned! Reunion Ticket sales will start this week.

The Reunion weekend is Friday October 7 and Saturday October 8.

Friday night is a free “meet and greet” at the Pinemoor restaurant. (No ticket required to attend, but you’ll pay your own way for drinks and whatever food you order.) Please RSVP for Friday when you order tickets for the Saturday event – we’d like to know who is coming.

Saturday night will be at Marymount University’s new building in Ballston from 6 pm to 9 pm.

We have secured a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn across the street and more information and details on how to reserve a room will be posted here and on Facebook once we open ticket sales.

TicketSpice is confirming all our data and our event page right now. As soon as we get confirmation from them we will post a link to buy your ticket!

Save the Dates!


SAVE THE DATES: October 7-9, 2022

The belated 50th reunion for the Class of ’71 will take place the weekend of 10/7- 10/9 in Arlington.

The Saturday night event, October 8, 2022, will be at Marymount University’s new building that stands where the old blue metal building (remember the Blue Goose?) used to stand on Glebe Rd. In Ballston.

Friday evening will be a drop in “meet and greet.”

We also hope to have a Sunday brunch.

Locations to be determined, but hoping within walking distance of the hotel.

This is the long holiday weekend which will hopefully make travel easier.

Stay tuned! More info to come. Watch the Class of ’71 Facebook page as everything will be announced there first.