Help Wanted!

It takes a village to create a reunion! We have lots of opportunities to help with our 55th:

  • Classmate Hunt – Help find missing classmates. Make phone calls to collect and verify email addresses.
  • Planning Committee – There’s plenty of planning left to do. Help figure out everything from menus to decorations.
  • Day of Event Do-Bee’s – We’ll need a “Do It!” crew on Saturday, Oct. 8, to get the room ready, handle check-in, coordinate the buffet, and more.
  • Sponsors – People and organizations who want to sponsor the reunion will receive promotion on our Facebook page, an advertisement (with your logo) on this website, and acknowledgment at the reunion. Details here.
  • Donations – Help defray event expenses. We’ll acknowledge your gift on the Reunion Details page and at the reunion event, or you can remain anonymous.
  • Administrators – Coordinate the Travel Assistance / Scholarship Fund for classmates needing financial support or the Roommate Match for lodging.

To volunteer for any of these opportunities to help, send Sandy (Divine) Bowen an email: