Meet Up Friday Night!

Remember those Friday nights after the game . . . when we’d all go have burgers at The Pinemoor? Well, neither do we, because it opened many years after we left W-L! But it’s a popular spot now, and we all get to try it out the night of Friday, Oct. 7.

You’ll find The Pinemoor at 1101 N. Highland Street — just one block from the Clarendon Metro station. There is metered street parking and a parking garage across the street.

Map for WL Friday Night Gathering
Meet up at The Pinemoor Friday Night!

The gathering starts at 5:30, and there’s no charge to attend. Just pay for your own munchies and drinks — and have fun reconnecting with classmates. Come when you can and stay as long as you like. (Although they’ll toss you out at closing time — 2 a.m.!) There are other restaurants in the area, so you can mix and match the appetizers and entrées.

Questions? Call Mary Keeney between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. ET (or text any time) at 443-584-6365 — or email us at

Saturday Night Event

We heard you about the plan for our reunion (Saturday evening, Oct. 8) at Marymount’s new Ballston campus. What’s on the agenda?

6 p.m. Food. Drink. Conversation.

7 p.m. Food. Drink. Conversation.

8 p.m. Food. Drink. Conversation.

9 p.m. Food. Drink. More conversation.

10 p.m. Au revoir until Sunday brunch.

No deejay? No dancing? No George Dodge as Jim Morrison? Nope — just an evening full of swapping stories, sharing smartphone photos, and catching up on the last umpteen years. Plus some pretty phenomenal items on the buffet table.

Questions? Call Mary Keeney at 443-584-6365 – leave a message if she can’t answer. We promise she’ll call you back!

To buy your reunion ticket(s), along with drink and parking tickets, click here.